Add Flutter to existing app

Tuong, Nguyen Thanh (aka Alan)
5 min readJul 10, 2022


# Add Flutter to existing app

Photo by Nate Grant on Unsplash


It’s sometimes not practical to rewrite your entire application in Flutter all at once. For those situations, Flutter can be integrated into your existing application piecemeal, as a library or module. That module can then be imported into your Android or iOS (currently supported platforms) app to render a part of your app’s UI in Flutter. Or, just to run shared Dart logic.

In a few steps, you can bring the productivity and the expressiveness of Flutter into your own app.

The add-to-app feature supports integrating multiple instances of any screen size. This can help scenarios such as a hybrid navigation stack with mixed native and Flutter screens, or a page with multiple partial-screen Flutter views.

Having multiple Flutter instances allows each instance to maintain independent application and UI state while using minimal memory resources. See more in the multiple Flutters page.

Let’s assume that you have an existing app at some/path/EVChargingStationAndroid, and that you want your Flutter project as a sibling:

cd some/path/
$ flutter create -t module --org com.github.alanrb ev_charging_station_flutter
├── ev_charging_station_flutter/
│ └── build/host/outputs/repo
│ └── .ios/
│ └── Flutter/
│ └── podhelper.rb
└── EVChargingStationAndroid/
│ └── settings.gradle
└── EVChargingStationiOS/
│ └── Podfile
│ └── Flutter
│ └── Debug
│ └── Release


Setup — Depend on the Android Archive (AAR)

Let’s assume you built a Flutter module at some/path/ev_charging_station_flutter, and then run:

cd some/path/ev_charging_station_flutter
flutter build aar

You will get the output:

💪 Building with sound null safety 💪Running Gradle task 'assembleAarDebug'...                          43.4s
✓ Built build/host/outputs/repo.
Running Gradle task 'assembleAarProfile'... 40.8s
✓ Built build/host/outputs/repo.
Running Gradle task 'assembleAarRelease'... 41.3s
✓ Built build/host/outputs/repo.
Consuming the Module
1. Open <host>/app/build.gradle
2. Ensure you have the repositories configured, otherwise add them:
String storageUrl = System.env.FLUTTER_STORAGE_BASE_URL ?: ""
repositories {
maven {
url '/some/path/EV-Charging-Station/ev_charging_station_flutter/build/host/outputs/repo'
maven {
url "$storageUrl/"
3. Make the host app depend on the Flutter module: dependencies {
debugImplementation 'com.github.alanrb.ev_charging_station_flutter:flutter_debug:1.0'
profileImplementation 'com.github.alanrb.ev_charging_station_flutter:flutter_profile:1.0'
releaseImplementation 'com.github.alanrb.ev_charging_station_flutter:flutter_release:1.0'
4. Add the `profile` build type: android {
buildTypes {
profile {
initWith debug
To learn more, visit

Let’s open the settings.gradle and edit the section under dependencyResolutionManagement

pluginManagement {  

repositories {
dependencyResolutionManagement {
String storageUrl = System.env.FLUTTER_STORAGE_BASE_URL ?: ""
repositories {
maven {
url '../ev_charging_station_flutter/build/host/outputs/repo'
maven {
url "$storageUrl/"
}} = "EVChargingStation"
include ':app'

Next step, open app/build.gradle in host app EVChargingStationAndroid so that it includes the dependency:

debugImplementation 'com.github.alanrb.ev_charging_station_flutter:flutter_debug:1.0'  
profileImplementation 'com.github.alanrb.ev_charging_station_flutter:flutter_profile:1.0'
releaseImplementation 'com.github.alanrb.ev_charging_station_flutter:flutter_release:1.0'

Implement FlutterFragmentActivity from your app

  • In Application:
class App: Application() {  
lateinit var engines: FlutterEngineGroup

override fun onCreate() {
engines = FlutterEngineGroup(this)
  • Create EngineBindings to binds a FlutterEngine instance and a channel for communicating with that engine.
class MainActivity : FlutterFragmentActivity() {  
private val engineBindings: EngineBindings by lazy {
EngineBindings(activity = this, entrypoint = "main", channelName = "multiple-flutters")

override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
engineBindings.attach { call, result ->
when (call.method) {
"station_show_details" -> {
// Handle event
else -> {

override fun onDestroy() {

override fun provideFlutterEngine(context: Context): FlutterEngine {
return engineBindings.engine


Setup — Embed application and plugin frameworks in Xcode and Flutter framework with CocoaPods

Setting up CocoaPods

  • In case your host project doesn’t already use CocoaPods, you need to create a Podfile. If you already have a Podfile created in your iOS project, then you can skip the first step.
  • Run this command from the iOS project directory:
cd some/path/EVChargingStationiOS
pod init
pod install
  • Alternatively, instead of distributing the large Flutter.framework to other developers, machines, or continuous integration systems, you can instead generate Flutter as CocoaPods podspec. This produces a Flutter.podspec instead of an engine Flutter.framework. The App.framework and plugin frameworks will be generated as described in Option B.
flutter build ios-framework --cocoapods --output=../EVChargingStationiOS/Flutter


Building frameworks for com.github.alanrb.evChargingStationFlutterSDK in debug mode...
├─Creating Flutter.podspec... 2ms
├─Building App.xcframework... 33.6s
Running pod install... 1,546ms
├─Building plugins... 12.7s
└─Moving to ../EVChargingStationiOS/Flutter/Debug 132ms
Building frameworks for com.github.alanrb.evChargingStationFlutterSDK in release mode...
├─Creating Flutter.podspec... 1ms
├─Building App.xcframework... 60.2s
├─Building plugins... 13.7s
└─Moving to ../EVChargingStationiOS/Flutter/Release 162ms
Frameworks written to /some/path/EV-Charging-Station/ev_charging_station_flutter/../EVChargingStationiOS/Flutter.

Host apps EVChargingStationiOS using CocoaPods to add Flutter to Podfile:

pod 'Flutter', :podspec => 'Flutter/Debug/Flutter.podspec'
pod 'Flutter', :podspec => 'Flutter/Release/Flutter.podspec'

Run pod install from some/path/EVChargingStationiOS again and you should see Flutter framework pods being installed.

You can now open the EVChargingStationiOS project in Xcode again by directing Xcode to the some/path/EVChargingStationiOS/EVChargingStationiOS.xcworkspace file, (not the .xcodeproj file!).

Your project layout in Xcode now looks as follows:

├── ev_charging_station_flutter/
│ └── build/host/outputs/repo
│ └── .ios/
│ └── Flutter/
│ └── podhelper.rb
└── EVChargingStationAndroid/
│ └── settings.gradle
└── EVChargingStationiOS/
│ └── Podfile
│ └── Pods/
│ └── Flutter/
│ └── Debug
│ └── Release

Add a build phase for building the Dart code

  • For example, you can drag the frameworks from some/path/EVChargingStationiOS/Flutter/Release/ in Finder into your target’s Build Settings > Build Phases > Link Binary With Libraries.
  • In the target’s build settings, add $(PROJECT_DIR)/Flutter/Release/ to the Framework Search Paths (FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS).
  • By Build Settings > User-defined, add a FLUTTER_ROOT as the Flutter sdk path.
  • And then select the Build Phases tab, add Thin Binary script as follows:
/bin/sh "$FLUTTER_ROOT/packages/flutter_tools/bin/" embed_and_thin

Implement FlutterViewController from your app

To launch a Flutter screen from an existing iOS, you start a FlutterEngine and a FlutterViewController.

The FlutterEngine serves as a host to the Dart VM and your Flutter runtime, and the FlutterViewController attaches to a FlutterEngine to pass UIKit input events into Flutter and to display frames rendered by the FlutterEngine.

In AppDelegate:

import Flutter
class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {
let engines = FlutterEngineGroup(name: "multiple-flutters-group", project: nil)
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
return true
import Flutter
import FlutterPluginRegistrant
class MainVC: FlutterViewController {
private var channel: FlutterMethodChannel?
init(withEntrypoint entryPoint: String?) {
let appDelegate: AppDelegate = UIApplication.shared.delegate as! AppDelegate
let newEngine = appDelegate.engines.makeEngine(withEntrypoint: entryPoint, libraryURI: nil)
GeneratedPluginRegistrant.register(with: newEngine)
super.init(engine: newEngine, nibName: nil, bundle: nil)

required init(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")
override func viewDidLoad() {
channel = FlutterMethodChannel(name: "multiple-flutters", binaryMessenger:self.engine!.binaryMessenger)
channel!.setMethodCallHandler { (call: FlutterMethodCall, result: **@escaping** FlutterResult) in
if call.method == "station_show_details" {
// Handle event
} else {



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